Thursday, 27 October 2011

Yummy yummy

Just thought I should include these two gorgeous chocolate munchies, no not the dessert but these could replace any dessert served on a silver plater oooo can I get an AMEN!

 Apparently these goes for like HOT! and yes a friend of a friend has these so its possible to get them too ladies 

Ive noticed that platform heels are in season as well as wedge heels as I pointed out in a previous post I did and these...well...can you say YUM! ^^,) and i black heel is a staple since you can wear it not only with a LBD but with any kind of casual items like jeans or even leather leggings ooo. What I personally like about these is the heel because as a party girl thin heels can be a tab bit scary to dance so we pretty safe with these lol

Voila magazine

I dont really like doing this but I just had to share my new discovery...A friend of mine has introduded me to an amazing fashion magazine that takes style to the next level, its called VOILA and it can be purchased all across SA (YAY!!) so go out and get it! Im gonna leave you to find out more about it, noooooo not because im lazy but everything you wanna know about the magazine is all in their website so go ahead and become a member like myself, I DARE YOU!!!! you can actually view the magazine on your computure as well how cool is that ( gosh guys technology) but if you would rather purchase it then you can visit your nearest 'The Space' stores or even Tashas resturant, just ask about VOILA and then embrace on fashion at its best. So go get it and get inspired my beautiful fashionistas** Heres are some picture from the magazine:

Pictures are courtesy of Voila magazine: The Edge of Reason Production: Chipo Mapondera from Styling Concepts / Photography: Chris Saunders Stylist: Bee Diamondhead / Make-up and Hair: Mic
ahael Macolive Assistance: Candice Jooste / All Clothing and Accessories by Religion / Shoes: Stylist’s own

The link to the website:

Hopefully one day I will write for a magazine as elegant as this one...

Monday, 24 October 2011

Africa Fashion Week

Soon enough I will be getting a VIP invite to one of the most talked about weeks in Africa, dreams do come true hey. Ive been looking at the certain items which African designers had on display at fashion week and i must say that there were some amazing pieces that deserve full recognotion for because I may not know how to sew but im sure putting together exceptional pieces like the ones the famous David Tlale must consist of hard work all day everyday but with a person like him who eats sleeps and breathes fashion it mustve been a walk in the park who are some pics from his collection

Its not only about the outfits but the make-up and the hair which completes the whole look but this dramatic look is for high fashion only. David Tlale isnt the only magnificent designer in Africa but he really is waving the SA flag high.

I really love this outfit

Christie Brown production which goes along with a coloful summer since summer is all about being bright and bold at times

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

My favorite artist ^^,)

Love her so much I just had to post her pictures as well, her voice is like silk because its so light and hypnotizing gosh I wish I had a voice like hers but i guess my talents lie somewhere else. By the way her album is coming out on the 24th of October cant wait for that day...only for the grown and sexy ;) She should definitely do an unplugged concert or something in SA and not just one city but the most of them,we all want a taste of her soulful sounds, wonder who would hook that up *looking at you Vodacom color* lol I'm kidding but who knows...

The one thing I love about her is her sense of style which seems very laid back, natural and comfortable and they say your clothes say alot about who you are personality wise so I'm sure shes pretty laid back herself with her natural hair styles (no weaves here) shes an amazing example of a beautiful natural black female (ladies take notes, I know I am)


Ive been searching for proper street wear brand for guys and girls because we cant always be glamorous and dapper I'm sure you also wanna look fresh and have swag on a billion! Feli Feli clothing line is here to make you look like the coolest kid in town, so do search for them on Facbook and like their page to get the latest updates on trendy street wear or check out their website where you can find out more about them and see what they have in store and obviously the PRICES!!! So for now here's some examples of what they have in store for you:

Ladies and Gentlemen Feli Feli Clothing is open for business so tell a friend to tell a friend and join the movement m'kay!* Love this

Monday, 17 October 2011

My new best buddy and budding fashion Icon

Like I said before fellas I got you, this is just an example of a stylish young gentleman is rocking his summer look on campus, Londi doing best! Hes such a poser lol, more to come boys no worries...

Londi is such an amazing person so I had to do a post on him because he not only followed his heart like me and changed his degree hes also but he loves fashion just as much as I do and what i like about his style is not only that its colorful but he has his own definition of style which I constantly try and preach to you amazing people, always have your own style and forget about how that top or those shorts look on the Manichean in the store because that is how the store stylist saw fit that those items would be put together so have your own style. Another thing is that he doesn't let the boundaries of "men don't go all out with their image" well now they do TRUST ME!!! theres nothing more amazing than eyeing a guy that has style because with style comes swag on a billion lol.
Back to Londi, hes a blogger who's blog was recently labelled as a favourite blog on Destiny's November issue with the editor Khanyi Dlomo on the cover (one of SA's most talked about magazines), he has written a few published and commissioned articles for Oprah's magazine O and he even attended one of Oprah's talks that took place in Joburg in 2009. Londi is a energetic bunny who has a lust for life and seems to be enjoying every minute of it, some people could learn a thing or two from this diva...

 Friends forever

Such an amazing smile...

Londi's summer look on a beautiful summers day...

Everyone loves the nerdy glasses these days so he pulled it off with a formal look 

"Time invested in improving ourselves cuts down on time wasted in disapproving of others" - Mlondi Myeza

Our super trip to Brookdale

My super peer team and I invaded Brookdale Secondary just to let know exactly how cool the Vodacom Color product really is, it was an amazing experience with the most amazing, energetic and smart kids Ive ever met so big up to Brookdale Secondary you guys were the best!

These are the kiddies!

Reece explaining to the kids what exactly Super Peers are and the Vodacom Color product. 31116 is the golden number where you get 100 free smses and 100MB FREE! They were excited when they heard that, whatsapp, facbook and twitter for DAYS!

This little madam was a ball of energy my word she had me in stitches the whole time her name is Ayanda aka Yanda (she made me send a shout out peeps lol)

The amazing Okuhle had a motivational speech half the time, his passion for kids really showed, not only a photographer but a big brother to the kids as well

The kids had to get into groups to form their groups on facebook so that there are academic groups for subjects so that they can meet up during exam time and share ideas or ask questions or even test one another, so facebook isn't only used for social purposes. The group above called themselves the Young Money crew, they were all about the business man!
They were called Plant Life

Attractive connections aka the DIVAS! lol

They were the Phoenix Rockers

Ooooo before I forget this is what the school gave the super peers after the session with the kids oh my GUCCI it was simply heaven hmmm its a dessert called Sogi ( hope the spelling is right )
Thanks again Color and a huge thank you to Brookdale!**

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Spring has Sprung!

Long dresses, shorts, big shades, vests and color color color COLOR!! Get those board shorts and bikinis out because...ITS SUMMER TIME! Strips seem to be a big trend these days whether its a top or dress theres just something about those stripes that just adds that summer feel wonder if you feel me on this one peeps:

Come closer you have to see this

Like I mentioned in my previous post wedge shoes are in this summer so here are some ideas of wedge heels that you may like:

Theres a variety of wedges out there so just go buck wild when choosing the perfect pair for YOU but always remember to get comfortable shoes theres nothing worse than being held back by really sexy shoes which arent so comfortable *epic fail*, there are also these shoes that Ive fallen in love with which are ideal for any chilled out occasion, Ive actually spotted them at Mr Price stores...

Oh and can you say YUM!
Just had a Super Peer meeting with my new Vodacom Color family :) and we were briefed on a event  but i couldn't help but spot these two amazing outfits displayed inside the cafe we were in so when you get the chance pop into Corner Cafe, nice chilled out spot which has an amazing iced coffee, SCORE!

Beautiful dress for these summer days, could go nicely with colorful wedge shoes or flat shoes depending on your comfort level

More of a vintage look but also very stylish and very mature, there are tons of ways to pull off this outfit, just by adding a few accessories like nice thick, vintage type of bangles so raid your mom's or grandmother's closet for those (if you like me and prefer a cheaper option), or even colourful hair band but not too colorful but colors that blend with the colors of the coat and the dress, so neutral colors. You can take the coat off and wear the dress on its own with nice thin figure belt and don't forget the shoes, wedges are in this season since they are comfortable and they work perfectly with a cool summer outfit...

My first mentor session as a super peer!

Vodacom Color is amazing because all thanks to them I got to meet my new mentor who has inspired me to be a better person all day everyday. Thobile Tops Mkwanazi has so many titles motivational speaker; woman empowerment advocate; inspired hostess extraodinaire and so on and so forth lol gosh its insane how much of a super woman this madam really is so ladies take notes. Spent the day with a group of amazing young ladies and left feeling like I could take over the world so next domination! ",)

The name of the venue is called Couch Cafe on Windermere Road, amazing service by the way also has the best items for interior design *thumbs up*

This gorgeous young lady read out her amazing poem about keeping it real with your natural hair, um I wont lie i love me some Indian hair *hides* but indeed natural is a proper way forward but if you wanna look like a diva and your hair is way too short or its that time of the month where your hair needs some service then why not, whatever completes you're look ladies rock it as hard as you wanna because girls rule the world...sorry boys.

Ladies and gentlemen presenting my inspiration and officially one of my personal mentors...Thobile Tops Mkwanazi *and the crowd goes wild*

Thanks again Vodacom Color for such an amazing experience! *kisses*